In the wild, most big cats are naturally dependent upon themselves and not a pack for survival. Your kitten is no different. That's why they regularly send clear signals to other cats, to prevent misunderstandings and avoid potential conflict. One of their strongest signals is scent.
Sensitive to scents
Your kitten’s whole body is specially adapted to send and receive scent messages. They even have a special organ in their mouth – called the Jacobson’s organ – which they use to analyse smells.
Your little furry friend loves to rub themselves against all kinds of things: door frames, chair legs, bannisters, trees and, of course, you! Rubbing may seem like a simple behaviour, but it’s actually quite complicated. Not only is your kitten acknowledging your status and confirming their social bond with you, but they're also picking up and leaving important scent signals.
Just like their big cat cousins, your kitten will spend a lot of time scratching at things around them. By exhibiting this natural behaviour, they're actually doing lots of things at once, including:
• Keeping their claws in tip-top condition
• Conditioning the muscles and tendons that move their claws
• Leaving visual signs that mark their territory
• Leaving scent signals from special glands on their paws
Your kitten’s scratching behaviour may be natural, but it isn’t always good for your furniture! That’s why it’s a great idea to give them a scratching post to go at.