You’ll be wanting your adorable little kitten to settle into their new home quickly and happily. A great way to help things along is by establishing a few basic routines, so here are some good habits to get into.
By nature, your kitten likes to keep themselves clean and tidy. To help them follow this natural instinct, place their litter tray in a private spot, well away from their food and water. Show them where the litter tray is and they'll quickly learn to use it.
Feeding time
Complete and balanced meals – like Whiskas® Kitten Pouches – will give your kitten all the proteins and nutrients they need. When they're small, your kitten will need feeding little and often. As they get older you can feed them twice a day. Your kitten will get used to your feeding schedule and come to expect their meals served up at the right time – so don’t disappoint them!
Did you know that your little kitten is always on the lookout for prey? There’s no better way to indulge their natural hunting instinct than through play. Try to spend several sessions of 10–15 minutes each day playing with your kitten – especially if they live indoors. Choose small toys that they'll enjoy stalking, chasing and pouncing on.
Petting time
In the same way that your kitten remembers mealtimes, they'll also know when it’s time for a cuddle. So, whether you choose to stroke them in the morning, or in the evening when you get back from work, make sure you give lots of attention at all the right moments.
Sleeping time
Your kitten will probably choose where they sleep – probably on a blanket in their bed, although there’s always a chance they'll prefer your favourite old jumper! Once your kitten’s made a comfortable nest for themselves, try to avoid disturbing it.
You can bring routines to almost every part of your kitten's day - play, feeding and even bedtime!
Read this article to discover how to get your kitten into a habit and minimise their stress when settling in.