Your kitten is a born explorer. By allowing them to explore their environment, you’ll help them establish a safe and secure territory. Their naturally inquisitive nature can also get them into scrapes, so keep your eyes open for potential dangers, such as:
• Open windows
• Food left out in the kitchen
• Boiling saucepans and kettles
• Sharp knives
• Poisonous houseplants (including lilies, ivies, philodendrons and poinsettias)
• Breakable ornaments
• Open fires and chimneys
• Detergents and chemicals
• Plastic bags
• Electrical equipment and cables
• Open washing machine and tumble drier doors
• Open toilets
• Children and unfriendly other pets
Accidents happen
However careful you are, your brave little adventurer may still get themselves into trouble. In the wild, their big cat cousins would naturally hide to lick their wounds and stay away from predators, so bear this in mind if you can’t find them and you think they may be hurt.
In case of accident, keep your kitten calm with soothing words and gentle stroking, and take them to the vet straight away. Remember to keep your vet’s number handy so you can reach them quickly in an emergency.
Kittens will be kittens - you'll find that they will find trouble wherever they can. Read here to minimise the damage...
Keep your eyes out for these potential dangers.